Tel: +4368110456676
Adress: Silberergasse 4/1, 1220 Wien
Manual therapy
Muscle relaxation
Trigger point therapy
Stability & coordation training
Medical excercise therapy
Therapy for scar tissue
Workplace Ergonomic Assessment
Therapeutic Climbing
Back training
Gait training
Lymphatic drainage
Treatments & Services
A legal requirement for therapy is a referral (Verordnung) from your GP or (orthopedic) medical specialist.
(e.g. 10 x Physiotherapie á 45 Minuten)
You will need to bring the referral with you to your first appointment.
For compensation from your medical insurance you will need to have the referral approved by the insurance company first. If you are insured through ÖGK this is suspended until 2025.
During your first appointment we will take a detailed account of your problems and needs.
Together we will define specific goals and criteria to measure your progress.
Please bring clothes you feel comfortable in moving and that show the affected area if needed
It is possible to get changed at the our facilities.
Physiotherapy - 30 min - 63 €
Physiotherapy - 45 min - 90 €
Physiotherapy - 60 min - 117 €
As a Wahltherapeut (not having a standing contract with an insurance provider) your costs will only partly be covered by insurance if you chopse to be treated by me. For further information you will need to contact your medical insurance provider.
In case of cancelation or rescheduling please contact me as soon as possible prior to set appointment via phone or email. Please understand that appointments not canceled 24 hours prior to set appointment will be needed to be paid in full.